Here’s a small peak at some of the BTS taken during the commencement of the commercial. A small memory embedded within each and everyone involved in making the commercial possible in 2022.
Note: Image accreditation by various team members on site.
Art Director / Director of Photography / Colorist / Gaffer / 2nd Editor: @elvisluizinhodcosta - Elvis Dcosta
Creative Director / Project Manager: @gooshbaker - Mohammed Baqer
Main Editor / Screenwriter / Assistant Director / Sound Engineer: @shahriariftiar - Shahriar Iftiar Mahin
Graphics Supervisor / Illustrator: @musabachat - Moussa Bacchat
Animator: @elmonter_ Osama Ordy
Production Supervisor: @hosamhodhod5 - Hossam Hodhod
1st Production Assistant / Location Sound Mixer: @_.rantesi - Abdullah Rantesi
2nd Production Assistant: @muradsalem11 - Murad Salem
3rd Production Assistant: @favianshaun - Favian Mendonca
BTS Supervisor: @ahmed_shelayan - Ahmed Shelian
BTS Supervisor: @amr_taha9911 - Amro Taha